Town Meeting

TBD Marineland, FL, United States

Town Meeting

TBD Marineland, FL, United States

Barrels for Boobs Charity Surf Contest

River to Sea Preserve - Marineland, FL 9805 N Ocean Shore Blvd, Palm Coast, FL, United States

Barrels for Boobs is open for everyone! Any age, skill level, university affiliation (or not), and board type is welcome to compete. If you’re not interested in surfing, just bring your friends and family to

Turtle Fest 2022

Coastal Policy Center 9601 Ocean Blvd., Marineland

The Volusia/Flagler Turtle Patrol holds its annual Turtle Fest each spring. Turtle Fest is the primary fundraiser for the Volusia/Flagler Turtle Patrol. Activities include face painting, turtle races, live music, entertainment, white elephant sales, a variety of vendors and

Town Meeting

TBD Marineland, FL, United States

LPA Town Meeting

Coastal Policy Center 9601 Ocean Blvd., Marineland

Town Meeting

Coastal Policy Center 9601 Ocean Blvd., Marineland

Special Town Meeting

DEP Marineland Field Station (AKA GTMNERR) 9741 N Oceanshore Blvd, Marineland, FL, United States

This meeting will be held to interview applicants for the Town's Financial Director position.

Town Meeting

DEP Marineland Field Station (AKA GTMNERR) 9741 N Oceanshore Blvd, Marineland, FL, United States

Quarterly CRA Meeting

DEP Marineland Field Station (AKA GTMNERR) 9741 N Oceanshore Blvd, Marineland, FL, United States

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